Collectible Cupfakes Handmade From My Shop


Monday, February 6, 2012

Food Hangover

So yesterday was the can I forget since its all anyone talks about, the mentions on facebook are in the bazillions, so the game is pretty hard to get away from.  Luckily my husbands team was not in the superbowl this year (again).  So while it was a watched event in my house, the excitement level was not at fever pitch.

I did, however, try to make it a fun evening and made lots of food.  Lasagna, sausages, rice balls, guacamole for snacking, etc etc.  So I was cooking and picking all day long and now I am paying for it.  My stomach has a food hangover.

Today I will be working on a custom order for a cupfake trinket box as well as the prize winner's custom cupfake.  It may take me twice as long a usual because I am on super slow mode this morning.  

So how did all of you spend Superbowl Sunday?